The Crown Jewel of San Diego

Rancho Guejito is like a living time machine. It takes you back in time to the days of California in the distant past. Rancho Guejito was founded in 1845, long before California became a state. The Ranch’s beef business is thought to be one of the oldest continuously operating businesses in San Diego County.
Although few people have seen it, the Ranch is the very essence of San Diego. It is located next door to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. The Ranch is 23,000 acres (36 square miles) of vast green pastures, lush mountain meadows, and huge oak forests (the Safari Park is only 1,800 acres).
The Ranch...
Most of the Ranch is preserved and looks like the San Diego area did thousands of years ago: beautiful, untouched, and green. It is not like a state or federal park because there are no parking lots or concession stands. The beauty of Rancho Guejito is often described as jaw-dropping. The fact that it is so close to millions of local residents is a surprise to many.

Following Tradition...
Grass-Fed, All-Natural Beef Since 1845
After over 175 years of raising our grass-fed beef and then selling to other ranches at auction, Rancho Guejito applied for and received its own label approval from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)...
...The USDA has verified the following label claims of Rancho Guejito Beef:
100% Grass-Fed
Pasture-Raised (never confined in a feedlot)
No Hormones
No Antibiotics
Born and Raised on Rancho Guejito